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Exercise Sovereignty

What is sovereignty?

A sovereign nation is a self-governing political entity that has full control over its own affairs, the ability to make laws, enforce them, and defend its borders. It is recognized as a legal entity by other sovereign nations and is considered equal in status to other nations.

Why is exercising sovereignty important?

Sovereignty is important because it allows us a tribal nation to have control over its own affairs without interference from external forces. It ensures that a nation can make decisions that are in its best interest, without being influenced by outside pressures. Sovereignty is a fundamental principle of international law and is essential for maintaining peace and stability.

What does "exercising sovereignty"

Exercising sovereignty is an expression of self-determination and empowerment. It means taking charge of your own destiny and making decisions that align with your values and goals. Whether it's on an individual or national level, sovereignty is about asserting your independence and autonomy with confidence and conviction. By exercising sovereignty, together we can create a brighter future for our Wichita people.

How do we exercise our sorvereignty?

As a sovereign nation, we have the capability to exercise our sovereignty in various ways. We can create our own laws, manage our economic entities, make decisions about policies, and we can establish a government/political system that encompasses our Wichita culture and traditions.

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